About Us


Electrolead (Pune) Pvt. Ltd  operates in  well  developed Chakan Industrial area of Pune in Maharashtra State India It has a Capacity to Manufacture this high purity Aluminium wire of 3500 MT. Per annum.

Electrolead (Pune) Pvt. Ltd ; is one  of the  leading manufacturer of high purity aluminum wire. The purity of  Aluminium wire  is  minimum  99.80%, 99.90% and 99.99%.The high purity Aluminium wire is used for metalising purpose in packaging and capacitor industries.  The high purity Aluminium rod is also manufactured for use in electronic industry.

High  purity  Aluminium specially developed wire drawing technology and competitive price represent a competitive edge reflected in  performance and price to customers.Low operating costs also represent a competitive price to customers.

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